Ñanduti newspaper «The call of the road»

Ñanduti newspaper «The call of the road»

The book’s writer, Wilhelm Willeke visited ‘Open House’ and told about his best seller. “The Call of the Road: Death is the last destination for all, although not everyone warns them before arriving. No matter how much you run, in the end your destination will always reach you,” reads the prologue. Sipnosis of Google E-Book: Is it a good idea…

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Historical Literary Motorcycle Event

Historical Literary Motorcycle Event

  Be part of the news of the unique event in Chile. The media is invited to be part of this unique event of its kind in Chile, where literature will be mixed with the national motorcycle world. This event will be held at Goodstock Bar located at Av. Rancagua 396 commune of providence, on Thursday August 30 at 8:30…

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Biker suspense

Biker suspense

Your heartbeat increases, your brain prepares to catch a new reality, your nervous system becomes alert and your body prepares because it knows that something very big is about to happen. If you’ve found this dynamic interesting, wait to see what happens once you’ve stepped into the pages of a novel that has marked the starting point of a literary…

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Life on the road

Life on the road

an adventurous elite life at your fingertips. A road is a place of myths and legends. That is why it is part of the adventurous fantasies of both transgressive and traditional spirits. The fact that only a few risks riding their motorcycles on it does not mean that it is an ineligible location, but rather that its mysteries are so…

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What is biker suspense?

What is biker suspense?

Until not long ago, we knew about the biker lifestyle, which was reserved for that adventurous elite who dared to transgress traditions to make their way into the urban framework and thus experience their culture intensely. We were also very familiar with the genre of suspense; that form of storytelling that forces us to leave our comfort zone to be…

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